This is an advert of Reebok with the rapper 50 cent on front of the poster. 
The colour of the poster is black, and 50 cent is in the dark probably trying to make himself stand out from the darkness. I believe the producer intended to promote the idea that Reebok will be as powerful and outgoing as 50cent. The phrase in the centre of the poster with the use of the typography sans serif "I am what I am" creates a brand identity suggesting that Reebok is trying to show the idea of being yourself and how it is important. The way 50 cent is presented in this poster he is conveyed to be strong his facial expressions seem to be very serious and shows a sense of proud on the type of person he is. The fingerprints as a part of the background and the sans serif could be analysed opposingly as the fingerprint can represent a very olden form of identification (as nowadays there's a lot more technological modern way for identification such as face ID) and the sans serif gives the poster a very modern and sleek view especially opposing the fact that poster is black and white which was mainly used in the olden days. The reebok logo being on the bottom left of the page shows that Reebok wants their logo to be the last thing the consumer sees. The advert has no colour whatsoever possibly trying to show that no matter what colour you are it is what inside that matter. This poster also includes a narrative code one of the main being an enigma code which is the short verbal text in the background where it says "there is no plan B" which would want to make the audience know what 50cent means by that especially for those who do not know anything about 50cent.

This advert is for costa. 
The colour of the poster represents the colours of costa. The background of the poster is very dark which makes the text and the image stand out which I believe is what the producer intended to do. The standout of the coffee cup can suggest the power and strength of coffee. The side of the poster is dark almost black, the poster seems to be blurred which keeps the viewers' attention in the middle of the poster as it is much brighter there. the use of the San's serif typography "Real milk. Real beans. Real quick" creates a very updated and modern way of digitally communicating with the audience. This poster also uses lexical codes to make sure the business stands out from the rest this is done by the short form of words used to describe what Costas quality and products. Most of the lighting is focused on the cup and the words which keeps the attention on the message of the advert. the anchorage text also demonstrates the meaning behind the brand "costa" for those who do not know what the business is for.


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