
Showing posts from March, 2023


SCORE ADVERT AND WIDER READING: Media Factsheet - Score hair cream Go to our Media Factsheet archive on the Media Shared drive and open Factsheet #188: Close Study Product - Advertising - Score. Our Media Factsheet archive is on the Media Shared drive: M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets. If you need to access this from home  you can download it here  if you use your Greenford login details to access Google Drive. Read the factsheet and answer the following questions: How did advertising techniques change in the 1960s and how does the Score advert reflect this change? Advertising agencies in the 1960s relied less on the market research and leaned more towards creative instinct in planning their campaigns. The new advertising of the 1960s took its cue from the visual medium of TV and the popular posters of the day, which featured large visuals, print ads took on a realistic look relying more on photography than illustration. The score advert reflects this change by making the whole fo




  DAVID GAUNTLETT AND MASCULINITY: Read  this extract from Media, Gender and Identity by David Gauntlett . This is another university-level piece of academic writing so it will be challenging - but there are some fascinating ideas here regarding the changing representation of men and women in the media. What examples does Gauntlett provide of the "decline of tradition"? The  traditional view of a woman as a housewife or low-status worker has been kick-boxed out of the  picture by the feisty, successful 'girl power' icons. Meanwhile the masculine ideals of absolute  toughness, stubborn self-reliance and emotional silence have been shaken by a new emphasis on  men's emotions, need for advice, and the problems of masculinity. How does Gauntlett suggest the media influences the way we construct our own identities? Gauntlett makes this suggestion by quoting the ease of accessibility provided by the internet and the "greater variety of identities" that have em


  REPRESENTATIONS OF WOMEN IN ADVERTISING: Read  these extracts from an academic essay on gender in advertising by Reena Mistry . This was originally published in full in David Gauntlett's book 'Media, Gender and Identity'. Then, answer the following questions: How does Mistry suggest advertising has changed since the mid-1990s? Mistry has suggested tat since the mid 1990s, advertising has increasingly employed images in which the gender and sexual orientation of the subjects and markedly ambiguous. She mentioned that there are also an increasing number of homosexual images. What kinds of female stereotypes were found in advertising in the 1940s and 1950s? Women were suffering their own identity crisis. Prior to the war, feminists had been articulating the  idea of women having their own plans and careers; but soon after 1945, women were made to feel  guilty by warnings of the 'dangerous consequences to the home' that had begun to circulate.  Looking at women's


INTRODUCTION TO ADVERTISING: How does the Marmite Gene Project advert use narrative? Apply some narrative theories here. According to John Berger, h e says that advertising encourages the idea that we can purchase our way to a better existence and strives to make us unhappy with who we are right now. What persuasive techniques are used by the Marmite advert? The Marmite advert uses expert opinions like m armite, is  rich source of the vitamin B   when their was deficiency during World War. Focusing specifically on the Media Magazine article, what does John Berger suggest about advertising in ‘Ways of Seeing’? John Berger suggested that advertising offers us an improved version of ourselves. He suggests that advertising seeks to make us dissatisfied with our present selves and promotes the idea that we can buy out way to a better life. What is it psychologists refer to as referencing? Which persuasive techniques could you link this idea to? The power of advertisements is demonstrated by