

  NEWSPAPERS: THE FUTURE OF JOURNALISM: Part 1: Clay Shirky lecture Why does Clay Shirky argue that 'accountability journalism' is so important and what example does he give of this? Believes it is crucial for holding those in power accountable. For an example the Watergate  scandal exposed political misconduct through investigate reporting by journalists Woodward  and Bernstein. What does Shirky say about the relationship between newspapers and advertisers? Which websites does he mention as having replaced major revenue-generators for newspapers (e.g. jobs, personal ads etc.)? Shirky discusses the traditional relationship between newspapers and advertisers and how it has influenced the content and operation of newspapers. He argues that newspapers have historically relied heavily on advertising revenue, which has influenced their editorial decisions and content. However, with the rise of digital platforms, Shirky mentions websites like Craigslist and Google that have replaced


  THE DECLINE IN PRINT MEDIA: Part 1: Ofcom report into news consumption 2022 Read  this Ofcom 2022 report on the consumption of news in the UK  and answer the following questions (bullet points/short answers are fine): Look at the headlines from the report on page 6. Pick three that you think are interesting and bullet point them here. Why did you pick those three in particular?   Reach of print/online newspapers has seen a decrease from 2020 (47%) to 2022 (38%) TikTok’s reach for news has increased from 2020 (1%) to 2022 (7%). Different age groups consume news very differently. I picked these because they seem to be the common and most talked about conversations about how the future looks like. for example how the future will only be internet-based which seems to be on the news as well. Look at the overall summary for adults on pages 7-8. What are the key points on newspapers?  • While the reach of print newspapers is decreasing, online newspaper reach remains steady. • The Daily Mai


  NEWSPAPERS: NEWS VALUES: Read  Media Factsheet 76: News Values   and complete the following questions/tasks.  Our  Media Factsheet archive is available here  - you'll need your Greenford Google login to access. What example news story does the Factsheet use to illustrate Galtung and Ruge's News Values? Why is it an appropriate example of a news story likely to gain prominent coverage? The higher a news story scores on this list, the more likely it is to become news. Using the example pictured, Afghanistan, in terms of geographical proximity, is far away from the U.K. but when a young British soldier dies, the story gains cultural proximity as British audiences see the soldier as ‘one of their own’. What is gatekeeping? Gatekeeping is the process of filtering information before dissemination. What are the six ways bias can be created in news? Bias through selection and omission  Bias through placement  Bias by headline  Bias by photos, captions and camera angles  Bias through




  MEDIA PAPER 1 MOCK EXAM LR: Feedback: WWW: You start well and clearly have knowledge of the CSPs. Now we need to work on exam techniques to access the higher grades. EBI: Question focus is crucial. PEELparagraphs will help with this  Revise aspects of terminology + theory (especially Q3- hyperreality) Question by Question analysis: Section A: Question 1: 5/8 Include more analysis of how the language creates meaning to make my point stronger. Question 2: 7/12 Focus on CSP and the question  More understanding of the theory (Gauntlet- masculinity is not in crisis0 Question 3: 0/9 Revise terminology + theory talk about Baudrillard's theory: simulacra: Cannot see the difference between real and constructed  Question 4: 5/20 Work out what the argument is and make clear points on which paragraph is arguing for which part Focus on the question and CSP Talk about valid, gender race, sexuality, national identity, and country music  Section B: Question 1: 1/3 Improve knowledge of terms and


  VIDEOGAMES FINAL INDEX: Henry Jenkins: Fandom The Sims Freeplay: Language & Representations The Sims Freeplay: Audience and Industries Women in videogames & further feminist theory OSP Assessment LR Horizon Forbidden West: Language & Representation Horizon Forbidden West: Audience & Industries


  HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST: AUDIENCE AND INDUSTRIES: Audience Look at  this YouGov blog on the console gaming audience  and answer the following questions: What statistics can you find for the number of male / female players for the major consoles? From a demographic perspective, every platform’s audience skews towards men. PlayStation 5 (68% male; 29% female) and Xbox Series X|S (68% vs. 32%) have the highest proportion of male compared to female game rs. What is the difference between 'hardcore' and 'casual' gamers - and which do you think would play Horizon Forbidden West? the “hardcore” – those who say they take video games seriously, or play competitively – are a minority, and one with the highest representation on the PS5 (19%) and Xbox Series X|S (20%). Casual gamers are most common on the Nintendo Switch (45%), and the PC, where half of players identify as casual (51%).  I think Horizon Forbidden Forbidden West is a casual game What are the different reasons YouGo