Which daily newspapers (if any) do you read?

I read the metro newspaper

What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why?

I always turn to the international news section of a newspaper when I do read one. I turn to this section because it alerts me on the upcoming issues and educates me on what can happen whether that is a risk or not  

What sections do you never read, and why?

I never read the sports section because I am not very interested in sports and the news are not as intriguing as the international news are. I also do not read the advertising part because there is barely anything to read about.

What kinds of stories do you usually read and why?

I do not read stories from the newspaper only if it is from the international section. However, the parts that grabs my attention are when something unnecessary is portrayed as a big breaking news for an example Harry and Meghan Markle holding hands in the Queens funeral.

Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read?

I do not buy the newspaper because it is free when you take the train or go on the bus which is usually where I grab a newspaper to read.

Do you look at the online versions of any newspapers? Which newspapers? Why do you visit their website and not others?

I do prefer online versions as they are easy to access. I usually read the apple news because I get notifications on every little detail, or I use the BBC news because it is very reliable. I do not trust other websites.


What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly?  Why/why not?

I do not buy magazines because I don't read it. 

What sections of the magazines do you read and not read, and why?



Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television?

I watch the TV 2 hours a week 

What device do you use to watch television?

I watch the television on the TV

What times of day do you usually watch television?

I usually watch the TV during the evening-night this is because the shows and serials I watch come during that time 

What programmes do you like best and why

I like to watch murder investigating/ crime programmes but also dramas because these are the type of shows that never seem to get boring because there is always something to look forward to

Do you watch alone or with others? If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch?

I watch with my sister. We usually just put anything that we find interested on 

Do you watch 'live' TV or on-demand/catch-up? Do you use any other devices to watch TV (such as laptop or tablet?)

I do not watch live TV only when it is love island season (This was my second year of watching love island) I watch this on a laptop. 


Do you listen to the radio?

I do not listen to radio much however because I went to a media school, Global Academy which is sponsored by the radio stations such as capital FM and global. During school I have listen to these radios before.

If yes, what stations do you like best and why?

I find all radio stations are very similar, but Capital FM has the most interesting conversations going on

Do you listen to podcasts?

I don't regularly listen to podcasts 

If yes, what podcasts have you listened to recently?

The latest podcast that I have listened to on Spotify is Sadie Aldis (The diabetes podcast)

Approximately how many hours a week do you spend listening to podcasts or radio?

I spend a very little time listening to podcasts or radio possibly 20 mins a month

What times of the day do you usually listen to podcasts or radio?


Where do you listen to podcast or radio?


What other activities (if any) do you do whilst listening?

I clean my room, or I am usually on the way to go somewhere so on the bus or train

Does anyone else in your house listen to the radio or podcasts? If so, when do they listen?

No, no one else listens to the radio or podcast in my family


What films have you seen in the cinema in the last month?

The recent film that I have watched in the last month in the cinema is Nope and the rise of the Gru which is a minion's movie

What films have you seen in other places – for example, through Netflix, Amazon Prime, satellite/cable film channels (free or otherwise) or streaming?

I have watched purple hearts on Netflix. I usually watch series on Netflix rather than movies. I also enjoy re watching Disney movies

Who else watched the films with you?
My sister and sometimes my parents 

Who decided what films to watch?

I decide what films to watch 

What devices do you typically use to watch films: TV, laptop, tablet, phone etc.?

I usually watch my movies on the laptop, phone or the TV 


How often do you access the internet?

I am not very sure but whenever i am going somewhere i am not familiar of and for schoolwork, so I use the internet for 7 days a week when I have to do research for my work

Where do you access the internet? At home, at school, commuting etc.

At home, school, cousins house...

What are the main sites that you access?

Satchel one, Google classroom, YouTube, Maps

What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment?

For information, for schoolwork, revision and to watch movies online

What other activities (if any) do you do whilst accessing the internet?


What different devices do you use to access the internet? What is your primary device for accessing the internet?

The device I use to access the internet is my phone because it is very accessible this is my primary device. I also use my laptop when it comes to schoolwork or revision.

What social networks do you use regularly (e.g., Twitter, Instagram)? Why do you belong to these networks in particular?

I use Instagram, snapchat and TikTok these 3 are my main social networks. I use these because it's the most used, and has a lot of entertainment in it you can also raise awareness and communicate with your friends


How can you develop the amount and variety of media you consume?

I can develop the number of media I consume by reading all types of news and listening to a range of podcasts from different perspectives

What will you change in your media consumption habits this year as a result of studying A Level Media?

I will try and keep on top of the news, i am going to start listening to a lot of podcasts and because twitter is a major part of media in terms of social media but also in terms of social views and opinions i will start using twitter and checking it out every now and then

List three sources of media (websites/newspapers/apps/TV programmes etc.) that you will start to access this year that you haven't engaged with previously.

1. Twitter
2. amazon prime (to watch movies)
3. Spotify podcasts


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