Why did you choose A level media studies?

I chose media A level because it gives me a variety of future career directions. Media can be related in any sort of business, and it is a good skill that improves critical thinking along with analytical and practical skills. Media A level caught my attention because media involves cameras, radio stations but also involves marketing and advertising which made me want to investigate more.

Did you take GCSE Media Studies (either here at Greenford or a different school)?

My previous school, Global Academy which is well known to be a media school in which case media was a compulsory subject to take. This is also another reason why I chose media in Greenford. I decided to change schools because I was not quite sure if media was the only route, I wanted to take so I came to Greenford so I can choose a variety of options and make a decision on which one I enjoyed and preferred the most so I would pursue that career route in university or apprentice. 

If you answered yes to Q2, what grade did you achieve in GCSE Media? What coursework task did you complete? What would you say your strengths and weaknesses were in GCSE Media?

For media I had achieved a Merit. The name of the coursework I took part in was UAL level 2 in creative media production and technology. This is worth 4 GCSEs. I made a video talking about the corrupted education system and how it needs to be changed. My strength in media has to be researching (distinction), Planning and production (distinction) and the evaluation (distinction). Something that I believe needs to be improved is my practical and presentation skills (merit). At Global Academy I worked with many companies creating PowerPoints and posters, videos using photoshop, Premier Pro, Illustrator and many more.

What grade do you hope to achieve in A Level Media?

I hope to achieve a grade A or a grade B. I hope to achieve these grades not only because I have done media before but because I want my creative ideas to be able to create a lot of content that will be worthy for future career taking in media. I want to take a career in interior designing however I am not sure if media can help me find a path towards it. 

What are your current thoughts about your next steps after A Levels - university, apprenticeship, work?

My idea of career is interior designing. I have heard many people have chosen university for this career which I believe will be the best as I am not sure if there is such thing as apprenticeship for this. If I were to go university, I am not sure if I have the subject entry requirements for the career I'd like to pursue. although I am not sure if that is my final decision. 

What do you think the biggest MEDIA story of 2022 has been and why?

I think the biggest media story of 2022 was the war conflict between ukraine and Russia because of the fact that UK could have potentially been involved in a war. not only because of UK but because of the prices of petrol rising to a point where it was completely gone for a few days. This news had everyone concerned and at the edge of their seats thinking about how they will pay for expenses, petrol and if there was to be a war how will they cope?

What media sources do you use to find out about news and current affairs?

To find about news and current affairs I use social media platforms. The two main media sources that I use is TikTok and Instagram. I use these because they are the most used by this generation and information that gets uploaded in these platforms can raise a lot of awareness.

What was the last film you watched?

The last film I watched was purple hearts. The film was about a girl who is trying to pursue her career of singing but because of the expenses of her medical (type 1 diabetes) she is having difficulties she decides to marry someone that will help to pay for her expenses and so that the guy she marries can also pay for his debt of previous drug usage.

What is your favourite ever TV series?

My favourite TV series is top boy because of the story line and how it related to real life nowadays causing issues and teen deaths. I like mystery/action type of series and this one was very interesting touching on every teen issue. 

 How many hours do you spend online in an average day? Is this too little, too much or about, right? Why?

In an average day I use my phone for 4-5hours a day. I spend most of my time on TikTok or listening to music on Spotify. I think my screen time is about right because most of my time on my phone is on Spotify, which is offline, so I don't really see my screen when I'm listening to music. I use social media to communicate for around 1-2 hours.


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